Fashion Overlay

The Cross Section of Branding and POP.

Truly the modern day version of the New York Women Series.  This series explores pattern and the overlay of branding in the lives of women.

< Chanel Girl, Acrylic on Canvas, 58″x38″

The “Fashion Overlay Series” stands as a captivating exploration of brand identity and consumer culture through a distinctly postmodern lens. This series cleverly interweaves iconic luxury brand motifs with striking, contemporary fashion statements, resulting in a visually rich tapestry that challenges and engages the viewer. The use of classic symbols from brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton, juxtaposed against bold, graphic backdrops, speaks to the commodification of culture and the pervasive influence of high fashion.

Each composition in the series is meticulously crafted, featuring models whose presence is both enhanced and somewhat obscured by the overwhelming brand imagery. This creates a dynamic tension between individuality and branding, prompting a reflection on the relationship between personal identity and consumer influence in modern society.

The artist’s choice to overlay these elements onto photographic portraits adds depth to the narrative, suggesting a layered dialogue about authenticity and artifice. The series is not only a critique of fashion culture but also an homage to its enduring power to shape aesthetic and cultural trends. This collection is a provocative addition to contemporary art dialogues, blending high fashion, iconography, and postmodern critique into a cohesive visual experience that resonates with a wide audience.

Dark Damask

Acrylic on Canvas, 38” x 58”

Curved Shark

Acrylic on Canvas, 60” x 60”

Taupe Stripe

Acrylic on Canvas, 60” x 60”

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